Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Blob Game Debacle

In physics, after successfully implementing basic sphere collision detection and resolution, we were tasked with using this collision system to simulate the behavior of both rods (objects always the same distance apart) and cables (objects never further apart than cable length). In its most basic form, I got these things working pretty well, as you can see below:

Examples of Cables and Rods respectively:

The problems started when I tried to link together four or more particles with rods to create larger object structures. The rods would become too much displaced when forces were applied to the particles and the system trying to resolve these rod collisions would make the object rapidly flail around before completely exploding itself. Obviously this is not ideal behavior, and it made our next task quite frustrating.

The assignment was to create a ball-like structure using rods and particles that could be controlled by applying force to the structure's uppermost node. I could get a triangle to do this quite well, but anything beyond that became unstable. We were also supposed to implement editable level features made from springs, rods, cables, etc which this blob-ball structure could interact with, and collectible items.

White connections are rods,
black are springs
I was able to accomplish these things with some degree of success. Due to the instability of creating a structure entirely of nodes and rods, I created one instead with a center node surrounded by border nodes. The center node is connected to the border nodes by rods so that the structures would keep its form, but the border nodes are connected to one another by springs around the outside edges so that the object has more give and applying force to the nodes does not cause such a shot to the whole object. This was relatively successful, and I was able to get some pretty fun and gloriously blobby motion working.

For the rest of the game elements I decided to go with a kind of puzzle game driven by time. The layout includes walls of nodes strung together by rods. The nodes can be assigned to be either anchor points which have an increased mass so they are less movable, or basic wall pieces that can be pushed out of the way by running into them. They can also be made collectible, with beneficial (yellow) collectibles increasing the force applied to the player for movement, thus increasing speed, and detrimental (red) ones decreasing the applied force.

I set up a simple system to load levels in from a very basic grid-based text file. It is set up with two grids whose layout should be the same. The first grid indicates the basic layout of anchor points and basic wall nodes and the second indicates which of the nodes should be collectibles and which type they should be.

In layout section of the file zeros indicate empty spaces, twos indicate anchor points, and ones indicate normal walls. In the type section Xs indicate no type, Es indicate detrimental collectibles, and Cs indicate beneficial ones.

The player can flip gravity freely throughout the level, as well as move left and right. Using this the player must navigate to the end of the puzzle while the camera slowly pans right. If the player goes off screen to the left they must restart the level. In the test setup all the walls are solid, but they have collectibles in the middles of them so the player must collect them to break the link so they can push the loose ends of the wall to the side and pass through.

Obviously one of my biggest challenges with this project was getting rod structures to function with stability, but it was also a challenge, with the code base I had, to remove nodes and things completely. The system I had was very modular and each node was entirely unaware of all the things associated with it, such as the rod colliders, the sphere collider, any gravity or spring forces, etc, so any removal had to be cleared and cleaned up across multiple systems and the object itself could not handle its own cleanup. If I were to build a system like this again, I would keep this in mind and try to make the individual nodes a bit more self aware.

Although some of the functionality and behavior isn't quite working as intended (as seen below) I am really quite happy with the system behind it (aforementioned quirks aside). I feel that I manage all the different elements well and it makes it very easy to apply different forces, collision types, and behaviors to nodes in any combination and have the system just manage itself.